My personal thoughts and reflections related to scripture, worship, prayer...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stand Fast

Galatians 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

We so easily fall into the trappings of this world, a world that is not our home. I know that I frequently get myself tangled up in Satan's evil web of lies and deception. Thank God that Satan does not devour me, for I am not his to devour. I was bought with a price, the shedding of Christ's precious blood as He hung on the cross. I belong only to Him!

However, Satan can surely keep me from exalting the name of Jesus in all His glory, not in his own strength (for he does not have that power), but as a result of the sticky traps I, myself, fall into. But praise God that he can only keep me trapped for so long until God pulls me out of that web, the web where Satan desires to keep me. I know that the longer I stay in that web, the harder it will be to escape. It can become a comfortable place as Satan feeds me lies and half-truths.

This is why it is so important to STAND FAST. Be strong. Do not waver. Hold on tightly to your faith. Weather the storms with your feet planted firmly on the ground. We are FREE in Christ. We were bought with a price... a price in which Jesus paid all. Do not give up that freedom by becoming ENTANGLED in a web of lies. The price paid for that freedom was great. Take up His YOKE and follow Him... the giver of our freedom, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Stand fast!

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